I'm new here, few days ago I've attached to this project, to use my new GF 240 (I was crunching DNETC before, but since it's down for past few days I had to find something different).
Everything works fine so far. I've processed 2 WUs, but I've noticed that one WU that I've processed gave me 7954 point, while it gave 11931 points to different computer that was processing it.
Strange thing is that two computers that were processed it claimed the same amount of credit (7954), but one of them got 4000 points extra.
How is that possible that for the same amount of work two computers get different credit?
Is there some kind of GPUGRID roulette that I'm not aware of, or maybe is it because another computer was using faster GPU so it should get more points for finishing it's work faster? Which of course is still stupid answer, because two computers finished their work before deadline and should get same credit.