I tried to download WUs, but on 6 I had 3 MD5 errors !!!
I'm on Linux (2.6.18 & 2.6.27),
I can't have a correct MD5 for the following files :
03/11/2008 20:32:31|GPUGRID|Finished download of Crn6295-GPUTEST4-0-grama.ionized.psf
03/11/2008 20:32:31|GPUGRID|[error] MD5 check failed for Crn6295-GPUTEST4-0-grama.ionized.psf
03/11/2008 20:32:31|GPUGRID|[error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got 61a060708e573415585ed7c322c505cc
03/11/2008 20:32:31|GPUGRID|[error] Checksum or signature error for Crn6295-GPUTEST4-0-grama.ionized.psf
03/11/2008 20:31:17|GPUGRID|[error] MD5 check failed for oWa5987-GPUTEST4-0-LICENSE
03/11/2008 20:31:17|GPUGRID|[error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got fe40668bc6430d3198f39da72a498505
and same message for all the files, no problem for the libraries libcudart, libcufft...
It is strange that all the files are expecting the same MD5 (d41d8cd...) ...
I checked by hand the md5 of files with md5sum and the ones "got" by boinc are the sames !!!
it's a shame for my new GT9800 that can't work for you (for anybody at all...)
Could you help ?
PS:I reset the project many times, that could allow me to download many times the same WUs, but never well done,
I work for lots of projects and I've never seen this before.